Welcome to Seek Partners International, Inc.
While very few ask, “What must I do to be saved?” many ask, “What must I do to be happy in life?” Many people define happiness as health, wealth, prosperity, and relationships. The Bible defines happiness in terms of God’s forgiveness, joy, peace, eternal hope, faith, and love. But, many have not read and most have not understood this message of the Bible.
Often the issue that we face today is not of meeting people who have never heard about Jesus. Rather, there are numerous people who have rejected God’s offer of salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ without even first understanding it.
This crisis is further multiplied when there are not enough committed, gifted, skilled, focused, and God-blessed individuals to share the Word of God with the masses. The Church of our Lord Jesus Christ suffers at the hands of its leadership due to a lack of training and resources.
SEEK PARTNERS INTERNATIONAL, INC., works to share the message of salvation in the Lord Jesus
Christ and also provides resources and training to those who would like to lead in serving the Lord and His church.